Life in Denmark – Month 1

Life in Denmark – Month 1

How have we really only been here just over one month? It feels longer than that, though I’m still recovering from all the unpacking, cleaning, and organizing and all the other to-do’s that come with the whole moving thing. Many people have asked to see what life looks like for us here. And that’s a good question! One we’re still figuring out too… but thankfully, we have some of the basics squared away. Keep scrolling for a glimpse…

Where do we live?  We live on my husband’s parent’s farm in a town called Torring (population ~2,500). Torring is located in central Jutland (the peninsula in northern Europe that contains the mainland regions of Denmark). The farm, named “Stougaard”, has been in their family for six generations and is packed with history! We live in the house below, in the section to the left. Our part of the house was built in 1684! But thankfully has been updated a time or two since then. My in-laws live in the other side of the house – and yes, the living areas are separated by very thick double doors 🙂 – No really, my in-laws are wonderful people and when we entertained the idea of moving to Denmark, we knew it would be a once in a lifetime experience for us to live on the farm and have this time together. 

The main living house (“hovedbygning”) built in 1844. The original house (where we live to the left) was built in 1684. Photo credit goes to Hedda Paaske.

Where do the kids go to school? Lego, which was founded nearby, is located in Billund, a town about 20 minutes from where we live.  The boys go to the International School of Billund just next to the Lego campus. Though they have danish lessons in school, it is an IB program in english.     

How are the boys adjusting? They are (mostly) thriving. We arrived during harvest and they got to be out on the tractors with their grandpa (“farfar”) quite a bit. They loooovve having their grandparents nearby and have quickly proved their ability to leverage the opportunity to their advantage (from raiding their ice cream stock to sneaking away in an attempt to avoid bedtime…under the guise of “I needed to help farmor”…and well, that last one makes my heart smile). It’s a big change for all of us not having our friends within a short radius and will take some getting used to. The boys are playing soccer after school (“football” as they call it on this side of the world) and it’s been a nice way for all of us to get to know other families in the Billund community.

And the parents?  Digesting it all…

Thanks for checking out #ourbigfamilyadventure #adashofbold #moretocome


  • Todd
    August 31, 2018 06:55

    Amazing! Well done on another great post, Jen. Engaging, informative … and love the photos.

    The house where you and your parents-in-law live looks very much like the house in my all-time-favourite (!) Danish TV drama, Legacy. You may not watch TV at all (congrats if you don’t), but if you do, check out Legacy. There are three seasons of it. 🙂

    Looking forward to your next entry.

    • Jennifer Paaske
      September 3, 2018 19:36

      Ha, that’s funny Todd! I’ll check it out for sure. And thanks for the positive feedback!

  • Andrea
    August 31, 2018 09:23

    Awesome job Jen. Keep blogging. ❤️

    • Jennifer Paaske
      September 3, 2018 19:37

      Thank you! ♥️

  • Katy
    September 2, 2018 06:08

    Love the recap of the first month. Thanks for sharing.

  • Molly
    September 5, 2018 04:25

    Great photos! Very educational!

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