How Quickly Things Can Change

How Quickly Things Can Change

I should have known when I wrote my “I’m NOT Busy…Now What?!” blog post back in September that things were bound to change. Inadvertently ask and you just might receive. Though I am amazed at how quickly it all happened. Yes, I was somewhat conflicted about how to handle my newly found gift of time that came with our family’s move abroad this summer. And yes, I was thinking a lot about ways I could get involved and be of service here in our new community. But if you told me a few weeks ago that I’d soon be coaching gymnastics in Denmark’s second largest city (Aarhus), working for a tech startup in the countryside and back to planning dinners on the fly, it would have been a stretch to wrap my head around that. Well, okay maybe I’ve always been planning dinners on the flyπŸ€” …Although spare time feels like a luxury these days, I’m thrilled to be learning and growing here in a new capacity. As for our daily life in Denmark, it’s fair to say we’re settled in and the weeks feel like they are flying by. Here’s a peek into some of the ways we have been spending our time. 

Celebrating Thanksgiving:  Searching for specific ingredients can easily take twice as long in an unfamiliar place. Exciting when you’re new, annoying when you’re hustling to get home after a long day. Products, packaging, location…everything is different. And who would have thought that you can’t find pumpkin at all this time of year (canned or fresh)?! Thankfully, all our favorites were gathered (my friend visiting from the US brought over canned pumpkin) and dinner went off without a hitch…I’m pretty sure it was the first Thanksgiving celebration here on the farm. Yah!

Hunting: No, we are not attempting to invade our neighbor to the south. This photo is from a traditional Danish style hunt here on the farm. A long standing tradition in my husband’s family, but a first time for me and the boys. It began and ended with a ‘ceremony’, where Andreas played the horn. Ironically, you’ll find Dr. Will Tuttle’s The World Peace Diet in my book collection at home. And yes, I also live on a pig farm. Many thoughts on all this stir in my mind, but for now I’ll just leave it here. 

Coaching Gymnastics: I get to dabble in something I love a few days a week – coaching gymnastics! Rediscovering my love for coaching competitive gymnastics has been an unexpected, yet welcome surprise …and these amazing girls keep me on my toes. Crazy thing here is that after about the equivalent of US Level 6ish, the girls compete under the FIG Code of Points. Totally different than in the US. We’re headed to Serbia for a competition in December. Gymnastics fan? Follow the team on instagram @vikelitegymnastics 

Vitamin D: My little guy asked me the other day, with the most innocent and curious tone, “Mommy, where is the sun?” I didn’t let on that I, like him, was desperate for more of it too. It’s dark on our way to and from school most days and up until now, I’ve only been on vacation here during these winter darkness months. There is no sleeping in and drinking wine with lunch this time, but the coziness of the darkness is just as intoxicating.

Up next…Travel, Christmas and ringing in 2019 in Denmark! 

A special shout out the readers who have sent comments, private messages, emails and texts, it truly means a lot to hear from you! 

Thanks for following @ourbigfamilyadventure #adashofbold 


  • Molly
    December 3, 2018 05:29

    Love reading your Dash of Bold updates! The farms first Thanksgiving, the festive Danish hunt, your love of gymnastics and your fabulous pictures are wonderful to read and see!

    • Jennifer Paaske
      December 4, 2018 21:08

      Thank you my dear! Nothing beats the support and love from Mom πŸ™‚

  • Todd
    December 3, 2018 11:23

    Vitamin D is overrated! πŸ™‚ Another fantastic post, Jen. Congrats on the job and coaching. And enjoy the holiday season. ❀️πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

    • Jennifer Paaske
      December 4, 2018 21:07

      Thanks for your support Todd and Happy Holidays to you as well! When are you coming to CPH?! πŸ™‚

  • Laurie
    December 3, 2018 12:42

    “Tune in, listen and follow” Chase’s words come to mind πŸ™‚ Loving the synchronicity of it all, and that you are dabbling in your “love” of gymnastics!

    • Jennifer Paaske
      December 4, 2018 21:05

      Awe, love your comments Laurie, thank you for your support.

  • Stacey
    December 4, 2018 22:51

    Jen! Thanks for sharing your adventure with us all! I’m glad you are keeping this up even with you new employment!!! How quickly things change indeed! Our gang misses your gang so much!!

    • Jennifer Paaske
      December 6, 2018 08:46

      Thanks Stacey! And I’m also loving the Dinner Hustle, maybe cooking classes are next? You can offer one here in Denmark? πŸ™‚

  • Ebru
    December 8, 2018 23:13

    Hi Jennifer, Now I’m curious what you had for Thanksgiving Dinner. Maybe you will come with a new Danish specialty for Christmas. Pumpkin Pig Pasta? Greetings to all of you from California.

    • Jennifer Paaske
      December 21, 2018 14:08

      Thanks Ebru! It was good ole’ Turkey, gravy, sweet potatoes, green beans, stuffing…pumpkin pie…and wine! πŸ™‚

  • Birthe
    February 21, 2019 05:40

    IΒ΄m a bit behind reading your blog, but make no mistake about it: I love to read what you write πŸ™‚

    • Jennifer Paaske
      February 22, 2019 16:21

      You are so sweet Birthe, thank you! I’m well overdue for a new post so hopefully I’ll get that done soon πŸ™‚

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