About Me

Marin County, California mom of two boys currently spending a year living on a farm in Denmark and newbie writer sharing about #ourbigfamilyadventure. Also me: Insatiably curious human doing my best to live boldly by faith one day at a time.

Why did I call my blog A Dash of Bold? Well, when you google the adjective version of the word Bold, it is defined as: (person, action or idea) “showing a willingness to take risks; confident and courageous. And if there is anything I’ve been working on in my own life lately, it is that right there. This definition is interesting because being a risk taker does not necessarily mean one feels courageous and confident just as feeling courageous and confident does not make one a risk taker. So while most people who know me would say, and I would agree, I’ve shown a willingness to take risks throughout my life, those risks have almost always been accompanied by a lot of fear, insecurity and doubt.

But this year is different. This year is about taking risks with courage and confidence. It’s about leaving my job and moving with my husband and our two boys family halfway around the world from Marin County, California to a farm in Denmark and starting this blog. It’s about living courageously out of my comfort zone, even when it scares me. It means evolving, loving, trusting, surrendering and growing my faith in the face of uncertainty and struggle. This year, it’s all about adding a A Dash of Bold to my life. And so it begins…

Oh yeah, and I love doing handstands almost anywhere and everywhere!

Thanks for being a part of our family’s adventure.