Growth Mindset

Adventure, Growth, Growth Mindset, Living Abroad, Personal Growth

About Those Quiet Places

Please excuse the long hiatus since my last blog post. It’s been one of those periods where one day blends into the next and making the time to write has taken a backseat to other things. Good news is we’ve completely settled into a familiar routine here in Denmark – you know, the one that goes something like this: wake-up,…

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Adventure, Growth Mindset, Risk Taking

When the Honeymoon is Over

We’ve officially been in Denmark three months. Which, if you’ve ever tried to meditate, it’s kinda like the three to five minute mark after you begin. You’re thrilled because you’ve actually gotten yourself where you need to be, closed your eyes and settled in enough to where you’re almost beginning to relax…just about ready to drop in a bit deeper to…

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